Monday, 6 May 2019

End Of Module Evaluation

Overall, I have found this module enjoyable and one of the most interesting modules this year, particularly Studio Brief 2. This was because this brief focused on a real 21st century issues, so it is extremely relevant in terms of Graphic Design right now and it also meant that I learnt a lot about the particular ways of how Graphic Design can change society and really make a difference. Also, I felt that I learnt a lot about the particular issue that I focused on (the effects of social media), researching into something that I felt really passionate about also made the whole process a lot more fun and educational.

However, I felt that Studio Brief 1 wasn’t as enjoyable and in depth, mainly because it was a shorter brief and we were told right from the start to just stick with a simple concept and not spend too long over thinking it. This was an advantage at the same time as it meant I could research for Studio Brief 2 more thoroughly and overall had more time to think about and develop how I could communicate my ideas and research through the designs I created for it.

Being able to use design for screen and design for print for my Studio Brief 2 final outcomes was convenient as I am interested in both areas which is clear to see throughout all of the other briefs that I have worked on this year, both design for screen and print were relevant towards my concept and issue.

In future projects I will continue to focus on real life 21st century issues and topics where relevant, as I feel that it is important as a Graphic Designer to recognise how we can make a change through what we create. I also want to look more into design for screen animations as creating animated posters for Studio Brief 2 was really fun and everyone seemed to love them.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Final Posters in Context

Below shows stills of the final animated posters in context:

Photographing Final Outcomes

I have now started to photograph my final physical outcomes, this includes the final publication which was bound using a pamplet stitch- a minimal binding technique was used as the design of the publication pages is already very abstract and bold. The publication cover was also photographed and so were the stickers. Furthermore, the stickers were bound into the back pages of the publication as they come as a freebie with it.

Final edited photographs:

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Lucienne Roberts Talk

  • Her background and parents have had a huge influence on her design practice
  • After college went and worked for the Women's Press, feminist brand
  • The David Miliband labour party failed because of the graphic design being too 'slick' shows how much of an impact design actually has on society
  • Politics highly influences her work
  • Written a book about Graphic Design and ethics 'Good: An introduction to ethics in graphic design'. Attracted a lot of non-designers
  • The idea for the books is to add on a different topic/name at the end of the title, e.g. Graphic Design & Literature (the first book), then it was Graphic Design & Mathematics. 
  • She found the politics and health related projects most interesting and relevant to graphic design:
- Graphic Design & Health: 
-The health project and exhibition was titled 'Can Graphic Design save your life?'. One of the pieces shown in the exhibition was the un-branded cigarette packets, other work at the exhibition included hospital interiors, ambulance deliveries and public health campaigns (Aids and HIV).
-Illustrator Katie Green wrote and illustrated a book about her anorexia and mentioned that graphic design CAN save your life, as the book helped make her better.

-Graphic Design & Politics: 
-Hope To Nope in 2017.
-The exhibition for the politics project took place in a museum in London, this project was much more of a struggle, whether showing certain things was appropriate or ethical etc. The end exhibition was a success, however...on July the 17th there was a show about Social Media and Jeremy Corbyn in the same building which caused an arms trade held in the venue which meant that the Design Museum has lost the right to host an exhibition on a radical project.
-She mentions that curation is about telling a story

  • 'Slogans in nice typefaces won't save the human races' this statement from a poster went against everything she believed they then took this poster apart and made a project from it. This proved that the statement is wrong.
  • Design is ALWAYS political- Talk by Mike Monteiro
  • Being ethical within graphic design is getting harder and harder- it was much easier when she started out as a designer.