Wednesday 5 December 2018

Final App

I have now finished the app pages and made the final tweaks:

App icon

Launch page

Log in page

Home page

Shoe profile page example 1

Shoe profile page example 2

Side menu on shoe profile 1

Categories page

'Night Out' category 

Search page

Search example showing a search for
 'black boots'

Scanning/camera page

The box that comes up once the shoe
 is scanned properly

Gallery, layout option 1

Gallery, layout option 2

Side menu over gallery page 1

Suggestions page

Suggestions page, showing the
scrolling option on the Fila trainers 

Side menu over suggestions page

Favourites page, layout 1

Favourites page, layout 2

Prototype with all the transition links

All the pages 

I have also developed the category page as the previous design was quite dull and boring due to the single colour rectangles, the white background also made them look like stripes. The developed version works a lot better as it is simplified and just uses thin lines to separate the categories. Additionally, black text is used as it is a lot more legible, the arrows were also changed to the purple gradient to make them stand out and match the banner.

First version (Left) Developed (Right)

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