I feel that I learnt a lot more in the first brief compared to design for screen. This was because design for print required me to physically try out loads of methods and experiment a lot more, for example; foiling, embossing and considering different paper stocks for certain elements, as well as combining methods together. I think this is why I enjoyed the first brief slightly more, personally I like to work more hands on and experimentally where I can combine different techniques together and play around with textures and scale. I enjoyed combining techniques that are more relevant to textiles such as embroidery, as I don’t often do this within my graphic design work, this is something that I will continue to do in future briefs.
Whereas for design for screen I was able to apply most of the methods that I already knew. However, learning how to create prototypes was something that I had never done before so it was still really interesting. I found design for screen a lot quicker and easier as it didn’t require physical experiments- physical experiments would often go wrong so the refinement process was a lot lengthier.
I feel that this module will have a big impact on the responsive module, which includes real life briefs. This is because we were required to design our publications and screen designs as if they would be used in the real world.
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