Monday 7 October 2019

603 Briefing

Deadline: 11th May
Feedback: 9th June

Level 6: Fundamentals, Principles and Application.

12th-24th Jan would be good weeks for work experience. Although my work placement from June till present would count as work experience, the blogs are on PPP so maybe blog them onto Studio as well. Although I would like to do another work placement as well in a different studio to see what type of place I prefer to work in and to build my portfolio too, the more experience the better.

I want to do design for print and production in my design practice after uni and during and I enjoy that most so show that in my portfolio and the work I create this year. Focus on the work I am good at and enjoy, e.g. I’m not great at making typefaces from scratch so don’t do that, instead do stuff I’m already good at like print, physical techniques, production, publications, illustration/collage, animated illustrations, abstract, vibrant work etc.

More things to know and consider for 603:

  • Studio and PPP deadlines align, same day 
  • Understand the audience within the work I create 
  • Photograph things well
  • Essential to attend crits and arrange to see tutors when I need to 
  • No assessed presentations
  • Document and evaluate everything 
  • Part 1: practical briefs
  • Part 2: project journal 
  • Don’t be aggressive in the emails to studios. Don’t start it like hi I need a 2 week placement, don’t scare them off and be too demanding
  • Must include AT LEAST one live brief, one collaborative brief (one internal and one external), one independent brief, one research lead brief, one competition

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