Monday 7 October 2019

Collaboration Ideas

I have started to come up with some ideas for collaborations for my studio briefs. At least one of the collaborations needs to be external (outside of the course) and one needs to be internal (with someone on the course)

Ideas for collaborations:

  • Collab with a photographer would be really fun, and I feel that photography is often a huge part of graphic design. Last year I took part in a photoshoot for a photography students project (Nikita). The project was based on race in fashion and she contacted me through a mutual friend, so it’d be great to collab with her as we got on well and the photographs came out great. 
  • For the panda brief, I think collabing with a printed textiles student would be really interesting, some funky panda inspired prints would work really well as I’m thinking of creating maybe a publication and posters. My house mate Emma is on the printed textiles course and she said she would be more than happy to help me with this so I’m looking forward to it. Her work is really abstract and different which I love.
  • For the Bratz doll brief, collabing with a creative advertising student/copywriter would possibly work as the project aims to celebrate the Bratz doll through a lookbook, so a copywriter would be useful.
  • For the internal collaboration I’m thinking working on a live brief would work as we could go through a list of graphic design live briefs/competitions we’ve both found interesting and then choose one to work on together.

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