Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Statement of Intent

This year I want to focus more on producing work that focuses on things that I am actually into and have loved throughout my life, rather than briefs which tackle something I'm not necessarily that interested in but needs more design attention.

I think it's important to create work that I actually like as it makes me excited and motivated, rather than work that others may like more. I have found that over the past 2 years, when I've created work focusing on personal interests, it has been a lot more successful and enjoyable. This is part of the reason I got better grades in second year than first.

My areas of interest include things that I loved as child that I have carried throughout my life and continue to have a big passion for, animals and the importance of them, style and image and how we can represent ourselves through this, and mindfulness and well being as i'm big on self care.

The work I enjoy creating most is usually more design for print than design for screen. I have always been more of a hands on designer and really enjoyed in the past when my projects have been more production and technique based, such as publication design, zines, stickers, textiles, screen printing and foiling.

However, I am really interested in how animation and motion graphics can be added to other material such as posters and logos. This would be fun to explore more, as I touched on it a little bit in second year and had fun with it. A mix between design for screen and production would also look good in my portfolio as it would show that I'm capable of more, even though I do prefer production and technique based work.

The research methods that work best for me include a variety of different sources, rather than just using the internet for everything. I really enjoy visiting places and going on days out as a way of research as I feel like I get a lot more out of it and i'm more open minded when doing it. I find that internet research can be too restricted and opinion based sometimes. I also enjoy watching and listening to things such TedTalks, 99u, Spotify podcasts and more. Keeping myself out and about also stops me from hitting creative blocks, so I'll continue to use a variety of research methods that keep me active and excited throughout the year.

My time plan for this year is to try and complete around 3 briefs by January/first term, whilst working on COP, then the other 7 when coming back in the new year. I will allocate certain days of the week to certain modules so I am working on everything evenly and not forgetting about the other module.

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