Thursday, 1 February 2018

End Of Module Evaluation 404

Overall, I have found this module extremely fun as I was able to experiment more than I have in the previous briefs that have been set at university so far. I was able to experiment more with the techniques and styles that I like, rather than being set specific tasks throughout the whole brief; there was a lot more freedom in terms of design decisions.

I think this was mainly because Studio Brief 2 was set over Christmas, it felt a lot more independent as the tutors only saw the work after we'd gotten back from Christmas, and then gave us advice on which designs to develop further into the book covers. I think this way of working worked well, I think in the future I will work more independently in the same way in terms of creating a wide range of experimental designs first in the styles that I personally like, and then get advice off tutors of which designs to take forward, instead of getting guidance from tutors right from the start.

In addition, the feedback that I received off my tutors for the book covers was extremely helpful too, I agreed with everything that was said and the critiques were spaced out well. It was useful getting feedback in groups from both Ben and Pat instead of just one tutor. Creating the final imagery for the book covers was my favourite part as I really enjoyed using Microsoft Excel to do this; using cells to create an image. I will use different programmes to create imagery in future as I really enjoyed using Excel.

Furthermore, I enjoyed the first brief more as it was a lot of fun experimenting with grids using collage, as collage is one of the techniques which I am best at as well as being my favourite technique. I really enjoyed playing around with collage using the printers and scanners as well as creating collages by hand from imagery that I found relevant and interesting. The colour publication was also fun as it was restricted in terms of only using colour, but also very free because I was able to explore that particular colour in any way that I found interesting, the tutors were also very helpful when generating interesting ideas in how I could explore the colour. I felt that I learnt a lot when creating these two publications and will be able take forward the knowledge into all of my future briefs, as grid and colour are two of the most important considerations when creating a design.

In conclusion, I feel that I have learnt more in this module than I have in the previous modules and will take forward all the skills that I have learnt into future briefs. I really enjoyed experimenting with all of the different techniques and aesthetics.

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