Thursday 26 October 2017

5 initial typeface ideas and research

For Studio brief 3, in order to design a typeface I firstly needed to have a set of 5 initial ideas in order to help me experiment thoroughly before narrowing my idea down to 1. Throughout the week I achieved some successful experimental ideas as well as some that were not successful.

Also, when creating these initial typeface ideas, I needed to do some background research to base each idea off; I researched into the actual meaning of the word and the different definitions, pattern based work and artists, the spaghetti junction in Birmingham, road markings and the idea of movement and travel.

Furthermore, the typeface that I chose to use as a baseline when creating my initial ideas, was out of Muller Brockmanns 9 typefaces; I chose Bodoni. I felt that Bodoni relates best to my given word (Anfractuous) as there is a range of thick and thin hairlines within each letter; this represents the idea of a path/journey with ridges and curves (not flowing straight and smoothly)

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