Wednesday 7 March 2018

26 Characters Colour Palettes

These are the colour palettes that I have created using my photographs that I took for the 26 characters publication. The pages include the actual photographs, mosaics, collages and a colour palette which consists of 5 colours; the name of the publication will be 'Colour Palette' I have purposely it is short and simple so that it remains professional.

I will now think about the front cover and what paper stock to print on. I think the front cover should have a simplistic aesthetic as some of the pages and very busy and collaged, strong use of typography with a small icon relating to colour palette might be an idea to play with. I think A4 would work best for this publication, also I will experiment with printing onto coloured paper to see how the colour palettes change against different colours; creating a playful aesthetic and creating a new colour palette from the original palette.



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