Wednesday, 7 March 2018

26 Characters Publication Development

Today I had a mini critique with Ben about my 26 characters publication. We discussed that it felt like all the characters/photographs at the moment were too random and playful; I'd explored a different theme/experiment for each character instead of sticking with one theme as my 5 objects didn't have a consistent theme that linked them all together.

Furthermore, we looked through all of my characters thoroughly in order to pick one theme/experiment that I could now take further as a theme that runs throughout my publication. The experiment/theme that I have decided to take further is the colour palette mosaic theme; creating a mosaic from a photograph which then allows me to create a 5 swatch colour palette. I will do this for each photograph and/or collage that I have created and then maybe take the colour palette even further if I get time; e.g. take photographs of the colour palettes physically through the use of makeup or clothing.

I will explain and show this theme in a critique tomorrow in order to gain some feedback on how I could physically display the colour palettes or ideas for interesting layout if I chose to keep them as digital palettes.

These are 4 of my favourite colour palette/mosaic photographs so far;

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