Thursday 15 March 2018

Final Identity Zine

This is my final Identity zine, I am extremely happy with the outcome; the theme of identity has been successfully communicated through the use of bold imagery, funky collages, mark making and typography. The final publication was printed onto cartridge paper in A5; I used cartridge paper as I really liked the quality of it as it was thick and crisp, giving the overall zine a professional, clean look. The zine was made in A5 as I think zines work best in A5, the size also matched the collage aesthetic best.

Furthermore, the final publication was first tested in black and white so that I could arrange a page order that I was happy with, also so that I could make sure it printed right. The publication was bound using the pamphlet method, I used a cream coloured thread to match the cream on the middle page where it'd be visible.

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