Thursday, 8 March 2018

3 Publication Group Critique

Today I had a critique with ben and my crit group in which I explained and presented physical draft versions of each publication in order to gain feedback on which of my publications to develop further and reproduce as my final outcome. I printed the publications in different sizes; A4, A5 and mini (smaller than A6), I also printed them on different paper stocks; normal paper, cartridge paper and coloured card, the stock that I liked most was cartridge.

After explaining my publications to the group, it was suggested that I should take forward the fanzine factory publication; in the critique I displayed it in black and white paper, black and white on coloured paper with tracing paper drawing and on cartridge paper in colour.

In order to develop this publication further, I will continue with the abstract collaged faces theme but as the idea of identity into each of the faces/characters. Ben suggested the idea of creating an identity book, things to think about when creating the publications are; what is identity? how identities are being blurred about in this generation in terms of everyone being the same...or are people becoming more individual and experimental? do people try too hard to fit in? and gender identity.

I was really happy that the faces publication was decided to be the one to take forward as my final publication as I really enjoy collaging and experimental with loads of wacky materials and themes. I also think the identity theme will be really interesting as it is something that relates a lot people of my age and this generation. I think I will call my publication 'Identity' and print is as a normal A5 sized zine as it is most appropriate (it is a little identity zine) but trim it down to be square shaped so its not too boring.

I will now spend this week and next week creating more collages, researching into the 56 facebook genders, reading articles about gender and identity and experimenting with more paper stocks. A particular website that I found really interesting that Ben suggested was OOMK.

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