Saturday 13 January 2018

3 Book Cover Sets Critique

Today I presented my 3 book cover sets in a small group critique in order to gain feedback on which designs work best to begin developing further. Throughout the critique I received good feedback which I will now begin to work on.

We came to the conclusion that this was the set of 3 book covers that worked best and the one that I should start developing into my final set for next Friday. I was happy with this conclusion as I agree that this set works best, it is also my favourite out of the 3 that I created and the most enjoyable to create. In order to develop my designs, Pat gave me a list of things to experiment with and change;

  • Think about the type used for the spine, find one that works better than the one used, create the type on Excel! ; I agree with this, I tried out the handwritten type on the spine as well as the cover, however it didn't work as well in a straight line than when its broken up into 3 lines.
  • Is the Excel grid needed? see how the cover looks without the grid with just a white background 
  • Create background scenes for the covers instead of just having the character, see if background scenes work better. I really like this idea, I will research into popular background scenes used for each book/movie
  • Experiment with the idea of a spot colour; the same way I did with the set that I created on Monday. I will edit the covers to make them each one spot colour that I associate with each book
  • Experiment with the grid
  • Think about the scale of the characters on the front, play around with it! I will experiment with the scale by duplicating the characters, enlarging them so that just the top half is visible, and shrinking them down and repeating them in a pattern.

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