Monday 29 January 2018

Initial Poster Designs and Feedback

These were my quick poster design that I created today for the "Cell phone symphony" concert. I felt that some designs worked better than others (the second design was my favourite, where I combined singular colours and used acetate to create layers) however, I feel that each poster had an interesting element that could be developed.

I felt that because of the time restriction, my designs weren't as strong as they could have been, however I now have the time to develop the parts that worked best; the use of overlaying, colour schemes (using singular colours), playing around with scale, combining numbers and photographs.

From the silent critique, I received ideas on ways I could switch up my designs as well as questions that suggest ideas for more things to experiment with when developing my designs and questions about my design decisions;

  • Why not work with more distinct type/image hierarchy- e.g. use large, bold typography and less imagery?
  • Why the colour schemes?
  • Create abstract collage/drawing/metaphorical response
  • Don't use mobile phone imagery 
  • Try either with transparency or different colours OR size
  • Try not to hide the title too much
  • Why didn't I think of doing this?! (about the second design)
  • Why only certain colours?
  • Try one colour for whole piece
  • Play with title more
  • Why the type?
  • Why the chosen numbers?
  • Why not overlay letters/text that have been hand rendered?
  • Try a completely different approach
  • Try not to just use the phone photos
  • Make the text more involved in the poster
  • Try black and white

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