Wednesday 3 January 2018

90 Photographs - The Lion King (3/3)

Today I have taken my 30 photographs for The Lion King. I played on the theme of the jungle through collecting things from the outdoors/ nature; leaves, grass, twigs, stones,flowers. The theme and imagery of the jungle and home/surroundings runs constantly throughout the movie and book.

I found collecting these objects extremely fun as it allowed me to physically search outdoors for plants that I found interesting. I collected fresh leaves and plants as well as old and dead plants in order to create contrast. The contrast between the autumnal oranges and the fresh greens also works well. I first photographed all the objects in a straight, spread out, neat aesthetic/layout, I then photographed all the objects placed together; overlaid, close together, messier, curved etc. Both layouts worked well. However, I think I prefer the neater layout photographs more. They are also more similar to the artist that I researched; Todd McLellan.

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