Monday 8 January 2018

Excel Drawings

I found the 'Draw using a spreadsheet programme' task very challenging at first as I had never experimented with drawing in this way before and wasn't very familiar with Microsoft Excel either, I felt quite restricted on what I could create as I had to purely use cells and colour. I began with creating some basic shapes in Excel to figure out how it works... this was extremely useful as practicing allowed me to see how I could develop my drawings and begin to make them more complex, I also figured out how to change the cells to squares and how to drop in an image to use as a reference when filling the squares.

These are my final excel drawings designs, I think they are extremely successful and I really enjoyed creating them. I would say that this was the most fun and successful task out of all the tasks I was set, I also think that the drawings combined would work really well as book covers, as well as simply just one drawing on the cover.

The idea of taking something that is animated and illustrative (the characters in the movies) and turning them into a pixelated flat image works really well and creates contrast, it is show casing the characters and objects in the opposite way to what is normally seen.

My favourite characters that I created:



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