Friday 12 January 2018

3 Initial Book Cover Sets

This week I have been set the task to produce 3 sets of book covers (9 covers in total) to present in a critique on Friday, where I will receive feedback on which set to take forward and develop as my final set. I have used the work that I have created over Christmas in order to create my 3 sets, I found it useful that I had produced a good body of work over Christmas as it allowed me to choose from a wide range of imagery for my covers, I chose the imagery that I felt worked best. I found creating my 3 sets an enjoyable task as I was able to experiment fully.

This is the first set that I created. This was based on the 3D photograph work that I created on Monday for the One Day Brief that was set, I chose the best imagery from that task and developed it into these covers. For this set, I focused on the idea of a block colour; I chose a colour that I associate with each book. The Lion King is green to represent the jungle and nature, Cinderella is pink to represent when her dress changes from blue to pink, also because I feel that the book has quite a soft and sweet story line, pink is a soft colour. Aladdin is purple to represent the colour of his jacket, also because I feel that it represents the palace well as it is a rich, deep colour. I then added an opacity layer to create contrast and more detail. This set uses the Marber Grid.

For this set, I have combined the 30 photographs task and the personal task that I did where I created collages for each book based on imagery that I found interesting in the music videos of each movie. I edited the photographs and the collages to have a similar colour scene; this is easy to see from the colour of the spines. I really like this set as there is a nice contrast between the two elements; photography (clean, crisp aesthetic) and the collages (handmade, rough aesthetic). For the typography I chose to go with a hand written style as I felt that it matched the collages best (sticking with the idea of handmade) However, I think that I could improve this set if the blurb was made more visible; the text clashes too much with the busy background. For this set I used a multicolumn grid.

This is my final and favourite set of book covers. For imagery I have used the characters that I created for my Excel drawings, this was the most successful task that I did over Christmas. I really enjoyed creating drawings on excel, which made the process of creating these covers the most enjoyable. I created these covers using a modular grid; squares, I chose to keep the grid from the excel spreadsheet visible and then created bigger squares within this grid on the back. I think that the colour palettes work really well as well; I chose 4 colours from each drawing as the colour palette. Furthermore, for typography I hand wrote the titles as I felt that the covers were quite flat (2D) and crisp so they needed something to break that up and create a bit of contrast.

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