Friday 19 January 2018

Final Book Covers Critique

Today I presented my final book covers designs in a silent critique; I displayed my Final Outcome design board, my Rationale design board and quick mockups that I printed of my book set to show how they'd look physically. Throughout the critique, the majority of the feedback that I received was really positive which I was pleased with.


  • The imagery created works really well with the contrast of the plain white background works well
  • The handwritten title that I have used within the grid also works really well
  • The concept and idea is presented very well in the finished outcomes
  • Could perhaps try having a block of solid colour that still fits in with the pattern on the back that would maybe make the blurb more legible; This is a good idea, I could have less shapes around the blurb or just have one solid colour behind it but keep the rest the same.
  • Overall, the design is very effective and successful, small details work well such as the type created in Excel.
  • Really liked all the aspects of the design so it was found hard to critique; Thank you!
  • Imagery is successful and relates to the book well
  • Colour palettes for each book are resolved
  • Likes the hand drawn type but not sure it works with the style of the covers; use some type as spine?; Im not sure what is meant by this, whether they're trying to say I should use the handwritten type on the spine instead?
  • Book covers look really good now that the back is completely filled in with squares. Maybe try and place the back text in different squares as well as the barcode; I did try this but I found that the text looked better in one chunk, rather than split into the squares:

  • Try placing squares in background of the cover to tie the front and back together?; I like this idea, I will try this out to see if it looks better
  • What if I didn't have any type on the cover at all? The characters are so recognisable that this could be successful and would create a very minimalistic refined cover; This is a very good point, as I would definitely be able to recognise the books myself without the titles.
  • Maybe one single colour for background of cover, white is a bit too stark, this would also tie in the back and the spine a bit more; I did try this when developing my designs but found that white worked best as colours were clashing with the illustrations.
  • Likes the image that I have created and the idea of pixelating them using purely cells and colour
  • Likes how I related the front cover to the back
  • Is there any way of improving the text; I could play around with scale and composition, with the type of the front I tried to stay within the grid.
  • Strong use of colour works really well- bold and eye catching choice relates well to each book
  • Pixelated book covers work really well- makes the front and back match
  • Strong use of typeface- seems childlike which reflects target audience but also suits the pixelated style- the 2 main fonts contrast
  • Maybe experiment with the layout of the blurb- could it be in the shape of something; Already experimented with breaking up the blurb text, found that it looked best in one chunk
  • Well explained/easy to understand
  • Strong layout- not too busy- simple style is effective
  • Written typography works well over the blocky images
  • Colours are refreshing
  • Why did you want the front and back to contrast? I liked the idea of having a simplistic front as the illustrations are detailed whilst still being pixelated
  • Works well as a consistent set 
  • Really likes the concept of keeping it all in 2D- though the placing of the title doesn't fit as such; I can experiment more with composition
  • Loves the princesses 
  • Nice choice of colours 
  • Barcode needs to be smaller

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