Thursday 18 January 2018

Design Development Crit

Today I had a Critique with Ben and a few peers where I presented the developments of my chosen book cover design, this was useful as I was able to get advice on what needed improving before deciding myself on which design I was going to use as my final set.  I also found it helpful receiving feedback from people that hadn't already seen my ideas as it was completely new to them and I got to hear a range of different opinions.

When presenting my ideas in the critique, I received a list of things to experiment with, I was also told what worked best in terms of background, typography and imagery.

  • The white background looks best on the front
  • Mixed opinions about whether the covers look best with the Excel grid or without, some said with, some said without, personally I prefer without so thats what I will go with
  • Cover needs to say 'Walt Disney Screenplay' instead of 'Walt Disney' 
  • For the back, focus on the idea of more shapes but begin to overlap and change opacities; reference to cel animation as that's how the movies were animated
  • Add the barcode in
  • Change the colour of the spine from black to a brighter colour
  • On the spine, the Excel typography works best
  • Play around with placing the blurb within the shapes on the back, instead of as one chunk of text in the middle, see what works best
  • See how the 'Walt Disney' looks handwritten in the same was as the titles on the front 
  • Keep experimenting with the back; looks too dry at the moment

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