Tuesday 2 January 2018

Research for 90 Photographs Task

Another task that I have been set over christmas is to begin a collection of objects based on your books. I must take 30 colour photographs of my objects that relate to a key moment/theme within each book (so 90 photographs in total).  For my photographs I need to think carefully about layout and aesthetic; line, tone, colour, shape, form, ratio, viewpoint, perspective, symmetry, focus.

As a lot of objects that relate to my books may be quite large to physically keep as a collection and to take into to university; e.g. shoes, furniture, toys etc, I will instead collect 30 objects for each book that are accessible to me at home so that I won't have to travel with them (90 objects, 30 for each book instead of 30 objects for all 3 books)

In order to take successful photographs that follow a solid structure (symmetry, shape, line etc) I have begun to research into artists that have recommended to me. The artist that interested me most was Todd McLellan; in particular, the project/book 'Things Come Apart'. "Things Come Apart is a series that explores retro to modern daily items that have, are, or will be in our everyday lives". He photographs everything from dismantled cameras to kitchen supplies and outwear wear.

I love this project of his because of the symmetry and aesthetic of all the objects together. I love how well the contrast between the tiny objects and the large objects, the photographs don't look too heavy in certain areas, it all looks balanced and evenly put together. I feel that the background colours in these specific photographs relates well to the objects; the baby pink background with the baby toys, pastel colours are often used for babies' clothing and accessories.

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