Monday 29 January 2018

OUGD405- Studio Brief 1

Studio Brief 1; Making Connections.

Studio Brief 1 is based on Research skills, Idea Generation and Increasing Range of Design Development shown through Design Process.

Design is putting together what we have in order to deliver the values we want. Judgement seeks truth and makes decisions in the past. Design seeks value and designs for the future.”
Edward de Bono. Think! Befoe It’s Too Late (2009)

Edward de Bono is known for lateral thinking; lateral thinking is the idea of not making instant judgement as he believes that it is the enemy of creativity, creative thinking is definitely not limited to special people or special occasions. I agree with him.

Provocative Operation;

6 Methods to generate a PO:
  • Escape: The easiest way to generate a PO; pick something you take for granted and drop it (escape from it) e.g. restaurants with no seats
  • Reversal: Take a normal relationship and reverse it, e.g. the phone rings when I get a call
  • Distortion: Make a change to the normal sequence or change a relationship, e.g. children decide who their parents marry
  • Exaggeration: Exaggerate any one aspect of an initial statement making it somewhat unreasonable, e.g. phone calls can only last 2 minutes
  • Wishful thinking: Make a statement in the form “Wouldn’t it be nice if…”. Should be more than just a desire, e.g. the pencil writes by itself
  • Random word: The thinker chooses a word at random, or a noun from a dictionary, and associates it with the area they are thinking about.

Examples of what this might look like in Graphic Design:

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