Monday 29 January 2018

Brief 1 Starting Point

Studio Brief 1 is to design a A2 sized poster based on "Cell Phone Symphony," a performance by the artist Golan Levin, featuring music composed via interaction among the audience's cell phones. The poster must include this information; Cell Phone Symphony, A concert and performance by Golan Levin, Bring your phone! Howard Assembly Room, 46 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NU, 8:00PM, 01 June 2018.  The aims of the posters are to suggest auditory experience and ideas of social and technological interaction.

Notes I made while watching an artist video where Golan Levin talks through the mobile phone concert;

  • Its a performance where the audience can get involved through using their phones
  • Love, hate relationship with phones
  • Making music from obnoxious sounds; bells, alarms, buzzers etc. Taking these annoying sounds and turning them into music
  • Short notes to create a kick bass
  • 8000 phone calls in half an hour
  • Random dialling delays

In order to begin designing the posters, we first got set the task to send a text message which described how we were feeling, me and my friends did this in a group chat (blue is me)

With this information, I then had to find a group of people that all felt the same or a similar way to me. This was so that we could team up and use our phones to communicate the concert information. Each phone displayed a different piece of information; the time was shown on the clock app as an alarm, the address was shown in maps, 'Bring your phone' was displayed as a reminder etc.

We then took a photographs and videos so that we could use them within our poster designs if we wanted to. I enjoyed this task. 

In order to design posters that are experimental and fun, I have made a list of variables to consider; colour, typeface, grid system, colour scheme, filters (B&W), scale, composition, saturation, transparency, software, background, pattern, repetition, isolation, distortion, cutting up, collage, length, symbols and opacity.

Another quick task that I did was to note down 10 random numbers. With these 10 random numbers, I put the numbers in order from 0-9 with exact amount, by counting how many of each number there is: 

I found it interesting that each number was repeated at least 5 times, but I only used the number 8 once. I also found that the number 1 was used the most (17 times) these are also ideas that I can experiment with.

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