Tuesday 2 January 2018

90 Photographs - Cinderella and Aladdin (2/3)

I have chosen to taken photographs of 30 items for each book (90 items altogether) that relate to each book instead of a collection of 30 objects across all three books. I found it more fun and easier as my ideas weren't as restricted; I felt that it made my collection less random as well by having a separate 30 items to photograph for each book. I also chose to interpret this task in this way as some of the items (the shoes) would be too difficult to keep in a collection and to take into university as they are big objects that would also become too heavy, they are accessible at home which I actually found more efficient and straightforward to work with.

Today I photographed my objects for the movies Cinderella and Aladdin, I will photograph my objects for the Lion King tomorrow after I collect them (these will be objects that relate to nature; leaves, grass, twigs, stones etc) to follow the theme/idea of the jungle and surroundings that runs throughout the movie and book.

For my Cinderella photographs I focused on the theme of the glass slipper through high-heeled shoes. I stuck with the idea of 30 objects and photographed 30 shoes in total (15 pairs). I used high-heeled shoes instead of any shoes as I felt that heels were more relevant to the glass slipper, I took photographs of all the pairs together as well as mixing and pairing the different shoes.

For my Aladdin photographs, I chose to photograph 30 different jewellery items. The idea of jewellery relates to the theme of wealth, money and glamour that runs throughout Aladdin, in terms of Jasmine being the Princess, the palace and the cave that Aladdin gets trapped in when looking for the lamp (the cave is full of expensive ancient goods which includes gold, diamonds, rubies, jewellery, decorations, magic lamps and more). When photographing, I thought carefully about layout and contrast of all the jewellery pieces together (long necklaces next to small rings). Furthermore, as well as photographing 30 different pieces of jewellery, I also experimented with narrowing my ideas down by photographing 30 different rings. However I felt that the photographs with all the different jewellery together works best because of the contrast and difference in scale, it also captures the theme of wealth and money more effectively.

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