Thursday 18 April 2019

Further Development

I have now started to develop the introduction and conclusion pages for my publication further through following critique feedback.

I was able to start developing the introduction page as a title for the publication/campaign was decided on: 'How Social Media Effects You'. This spread simply aims to state the general 21st century issue and what the publication will consist of (the 4 different sections to the issue). The introduction page is kept short and snappy as it aims to be informative and not over complicated.

Critique feedback mentioned that the first content page for the 'How To Break Free'/conclusion page could be more experimental with shapes and pattern like the other double page spreads I have created so I have developed this the most. Furthermore, Im not sure on which introduction page to use as the final spread so I will ask peers for feedback on it.

Introduction page developments:

'How To Break Free'/conclusion first page developments:

Final developed spread

Last page to the publication (after the 'How To Break Free'/conclusion section):

Final last page spread

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