Friday 12 April 2019

Further Publication Research

I have started to gather some further research into publication design now that I know I want to communicate my message through a publication as well as posters and other outcomes. The initial first hand research that I gathered Village Books has been really influential and useful, I also felt that it was important to gather research into contemporary Graphic Design from design websites such as ItsNiceThat since I am now developing my designs further in more detail.

I particularly focused on publication design projects which focus on the use of bold and vibrant aesthetics/details- particularly through the specific imagery, colours and typography used. I also researched into designs which focus on the use of shape and pattern alongside body texts and large headings.

The publications that I researched into were the Swiss Type Life publication, Cult Classic Magazine and one of my own books 'What A Time To Be Alone'.

The Type Life publication consists of a large number of type design, "Type Life is not a specimen. Instead, the book acts as a celebration of style and a wealth of inspiration for type-lovers and graphic designers alike" Contrasting fonts are played against each other in the densely packed pages and with an addition of a premium metallic pink ink, the publication clearly shows an extremely bold and striking aesthetic. Essentially, it is mentioned that the Type Life series is about experimentation, research and archive. I also love the way the playful layout design is paired with a bold monochrome type against a punk-like neon aesthetic.




The Portland-based magazine Cult Classic celebrates the voices of creatives from around the country.  The creators of Cult Classic identify and amplify creators that they find personally inspiring-"More often than not, we choose people who we think should be heard louder than they are.” 

Each piece has a distinctively different aesthetic that reflects the creative’s own discipline, giving the publication an intimate and personalised feeling. I love the way each spread is visually bright and eye-catching even though each spread is based on a different creative- a consistent bold and aesthetic is clear to see throughout the magazine.



The book 'What A Time To Be Alone' by Chidera Eggerue, known as @theslumflower online is a writer and fashion blogger. She is best known for this book and the online campaign #SaggyBoobsMatter. The book is split into 3 different sections: 'You', 'Them' and 'Us'. 

It is one of my favourite books in general but I the overall design of the book is really interesting as well. The book uses a consistent bright colour scheme throughout which projects positivity as well as being eye-catching. However, I was particularly interested by how shape, colour and illustration is injected into each spread alongside large chunks of texts and big headings, the grid systems and general experimental layouts work really well to create contrast.

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