Monday, 8 April 2019

Twitter Layout Initial Designs

Today I created some quick Twitter inspired mockup designs for the issue that I am focusing on 'The effects of social media'. I took my initial research into tweets relating to social media effects and applied my colour palette and concept into it. The message that I am communicating (The effects that social media has on us) is split into 4 areas within it, as the research that I have gathered highly focuses on these 4 areas and they all link together, which is how they all combine to create the overall issue.

1. How it effects our relationships with other people

2. The effects it has on our communication skills

3. The effects it has on our self esteem and mental health

4. The 'fake' version of ourselves that we choose to display online

Furthermore, I have allocated a different colour from my chosen palette for each of these areas. These mockups focus on incorporating the colours and 4 areas into tweets which relate to the area specific area. I decided that I want to summarise each of the 4 areas with a phrase/word that relates to it:

1. How it effects our relationships with other people: Fuck FOMO (BLUE)

2. Negative effects on communication skills: Talk To Me (YELLOW)

3. Self esteem, self love, mental health: You (PINK)

4. The fake online versions of ourself: Is This Real (GREEN)

Furthermore, I want to develop the designs that I later create to incorporate and take into consideration the layouts that social media platforms use. I want to look more into the layouts used as well as detailing such as icons, logos, links, composition and how I can communicate my message through them in clever ways.

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