Monday, 15 April 2019

Content Pages Development

I have now started to develop the designs for my publication further, I have focused on the main pages for each of the 4 sections/areas regarding my overall issue that I am aiming to cover and communicate.

Layout for each of the 4 areas:

  • Start with a title page (use the typography posters, similar design but tweaked slightly)
  • 2 Information pages within each section which give general information of the specific area to the issue...relating back to all of my research- includes statistics, quotes and general important information that will have an effect on the reader
  • One quote page relating to the issue area
  • An end page which consists of a symbol or illustration relating to the area
I have started to put all of the pages into the correct layout and format for my publication. The publication is square shaped (20cm by 10cm height) as the focus of shapes and abstractness is a theme that runs throughout all of the designs that I have created. 

Each of the 4 sections follows a similar layout and number of pages in order to create consistency and give the publication a structure/rules to stick to. The content pages that I have developed designs for aim to give important information about the area, statistics, facts and more quotes if necessary. The aim for these pages is to have a heavy impact on the reader- making them think deeper into how each area effects/may effect them.

When designing these pages and adding the content, I gathered all of the research I have on each area and condensed it to the most important points that I felt will have the biggest impact on the audience. 

Each of the pages focuses on using shapes and pattern throughout in order to continue with the bold, abstract and young aesthetic that I am aiming for- influenced by my target audience. Each page uses shapes, pattern and illustration where relevant and appropriate to the content on the specific page.

'Fuck FOMO' section pages:

'You' section pages:

'Is this real?' section pages:

'Talk to me' section pages:

Developments/rejected designs: 

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