Saturday 19 May 2018

New Labels and Stickers

This afternoon I printed my new cassette label designs. I am extremely happy with them as they look a lot bolder and experimental than the first set that I printed on Monday.  The specific colours that I have chosen contrast really well with the colours of the cassettes; the J-Card and labels use the same colour palette.

I have also printed the larger clear paper stickers that will go onto the silver holographic packaging for the cassettes. The illustration on the packaging matches the illustration used on each cassette label. I think they add a nice finishing touch as well as tying the two elements together successfully and subtly.

I also did a little photoshoot at home of my final cassette cases with the labels on, I think they all communicate my genre really well and Im also glad that I stuck to the decision of having different coloured cassettes with different labels on, instead of 3 of the same.

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