Thursday 3 May 2018

Tap Trumps Card Production

Since me and Elise are working together on creating the Top Trump card designs for the catalogue, we have combined the best elements of both of our designs to create the final design of the card. We felt that Elise's designs looked more fun and retro, whereas my designs had more content and consistency, we combined both of these aesthetics into one design.

Elise's designs:



We decided that we wanted to stick with my Top Trumps but add elements of Elise's designs into it: We liked the way the square colour block border was used around the numerical figure ratings, so we added this into the design. We also really liked the design Elise created for the back as it was so we didn't change anything about it.

We then started to print the example Top Trump cards so that we have physical examples to show in the exhibition presentation, allowing the audience to actually play with the cards if they wanted. For the paper stock we used off white watercolour paper because it gave a really nice retro aesthetic because of the grainy quality feel of it. 

The final example cards:

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