I started to research websites which sell interesting metallic coloured jiffy bags. However, a lot of the websites were either very expensive or the postage costed more than double the price of the bags that I liked. Another issue that I found was that I couldn't find jiffy bags small enough, my badges are going to be 38mm, however the smallest jiffy bag sizes were around 140mm x 165mm.
The postage for these bags was £10.95 when the bags only came to 80p, so it really wasn't worth ordering these ones. |
In the end, I managed to find some more affordable bags. I ended up ordering 2 165mm x 165mm coloured metallic jiffy bags in gold and purple to match the colours in my cassette, this was the smallest size I could get in them so I thought maybe all of the badges could go into one bag. I also ordered 3 holagraphic bags in 114mm x 162mm, I thought maybe the cassettes could be packed in these instead of the badges, but I'll see what they look like when they arrive. Furthermore, I also ordered some small sealable coloured bags for the badges, each badge would go in a different coloured bag, the size of these was also perfect for the badges; 50mm x 50mm.
I ordered the gold and purple jiffy bags from this image |
The holagraphic bags I ordered, reminiscent of a disco ball. |
The small coloured sealable bags |
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