Friday 4 May 2018

Studio Brief 2 Presentations

Today we had to present our ideas and concept for the exhibition to the our peers and tutors, for our presentation, Elise and Lewys chose to present. We decided that the people presenting didn't have to do a design board to make the tasks fairly even. I was confident for our presentation as our Top Trumps exhibition idea was fun and unique with a consistent design throughout each element. We also had physical examples of work to show during our presentation which was useful: examples of the top trump card, an example of the invitation as a J-Card in an actual cassette case and an A1 poster. Furthermore, I thought Elise successfully explained our concept and theme and made it fun for everyone to watch.

It was also really useful watching other groups presentations as it allowed me to see what worked well and what we could have done differently as a group, as well as noticing things that needed improving in the other presentations. I felt that each group had really unique concepts and it was interesting to see all the different ways in which people had approached the brief. My favourite group presentation was 'Groove', particularly because of the minimal but funky aesthetic that ran throughout their designs.

Notes from presentation:


  • Like that they made their own typeface- we could have done this instead of choosing a pre-made one to use, if we had time
  • Nice screen printed invites, the handmade printed aesthetic links to the historical/museum theme
  • Like the musical instrument illustrations- minimal and effective
  • Inspiration from Charles Darwin
  • Some of the ideas were a little over explained/complicated, the idea doesn't need to be as deep as they made it, sometimes a simple idea works best
  • The posters could look a little sharper and more eye-catching
  • The initial idea is inspired by nice concept but could have been a bit more ambitious with the idea (something new)
  • Not sure about the choice of type- Bodoni
  • Flag presenting idea seems a little bit too crazy, simpler ideas sometimes work better
  • Some of the ideas would be really hard to actually do
  • time lapse idea is clever and unique
  • Really like the simple colour palette of black, white, yellow and grey 
  • The design and theme is successful and consistent throughout
  • The poster could have been a bit more experimental
  • Like that they actually laser cut examples to show
  • Instagram page is eye catching and vibrant
  • Maybe the dot to dot design was used a little too much?

Feedback from our groups presentation:

  • The overall aesthetic is really popping and exciting
  • The paper stock used for the invites and Top Trump cards works extremely well as the grainy effect of it is retro- 'takes you back to the 70s'
  • The poster was liked- someone said it made her want to attend the exhibition just by looking at the poster, however other people didn't like it so much, personally I think it wasn't as successful as the other designs.
  • How would we tell the guests how to play the game? Maybe a separate instruction card or a short briefing upon arrival
  • The back of the cards could be screen printed, linking with the retro aesthetic and also because the cards are double sided
  • Well presented
  • The video was found humorous as it was silly, linking with the fun aesthetic of the overall branding
  • Pat suggested an idea about mystery cards

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