Wednesday, 27 February 2019

'Love in The Age of Social Media' Article Research

I have gathered some further research on how social media effects our relationships with other people and then the further effects that this has on our self esteem. When researching, an article that stood out to me was 'Love in The Age of Social Media- where does creeping end and dating begin?' by Francesca Friday:

In the article, Francesca talks about how easy it is to know exactly what our friends, family and partners are doing at every moment as social media makes it so easy to find out all of this information- down to where someone was last seen, when they were last online, who they are with, and even to extremes such as exact addresses of where people live. The article also talks about how we show the 'best' versions of ourselves on social media, which can be very deceiving as often peoples 'online' version is nothing like their actual self.

Gathered research and notes from article:

  • Social media allows us to see where people are at any given time pretty much- for example Snap Maps...where friends’ exact locations can be broadcasted across the globe in minute detail, marked by cartoon “Bitmojis” that can be customised down to hairstyle, body type, jaw line and nose shape. In day to day life this might be seen as normal as it may look like were just 'checking up' on our friends to see if they're safe perhaps? but really this is extremely stalker-ish behaviour as it means that privacy no longer exists.

  • 'We’re connected more than ever, often in ways that transcend traditional conceptions of privacy—entering a realm where everything is broadcast to a global audience'

  • Francesca also mentions that as the lines between private and public become more blurred online, so do our real-life interactions with others, especially when it comes to dating in todays society. This links to how often a persons 'online' version can be extremely different to their 'real life' self, this is the first step on how social media effects meeting people for the first time. As on social media platforms such as Instagram we only choose to show the happiest and best-looking photographs of ourselves. 

  • The point above links to how dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, Grindr and Hinge have redefined and manipulated online dating for the social media age, as it allows the persons profile to be crafted to reflect how they wish to be viewed, rather than how they might actually be viewed in person (the 'real life' versions of themselves), with misleading photos or information.

  • The article also touches on how easy it is to find out every detail about a person before even meeting them- and adding them into your contacts might allow you to locate their Snapchat, Instagram or other social media handles, unleashing an avalanche of information you might not even necessarily want- 'Suddenly you know what they do for a living, and you’ll have to act surprised when they explain it to you on the first date'

Initial Research on Chosen Topic

As I have decided that I want to focus my issue on the effects that social media has on us, I can start researching further into this topic. In particular I want to focus on how social media effects our relationships with other people/how easily social media can ruin relationships and then obviously effect us, and how social media has massive negative impacts on our self esteem.

I found this most interesting as it is so relevant in todays society as everyones life does revolve around social media in some way and it is also personal to me as I can relate to a lot of issues regarding the negative impacts that social media has. However, this topic is also very controversial as social media can also make a person feel good about themselves and give a person a sort of validation that they think they need.

Furthermore, I have read over some articles that I found interesting regarding this issue and have gathered some research for points/concepts that I want to focus more closely on.

The articles:




  • How fast social media has blossomed from a relatively harmless distraction into the ubiquitous beast that we know today. This lead me to think about how much it'll effect our self esteem in maybe 10 years time? As over the past 10 years it has evolved so much, does something need to be stopped???

  • Social media can also be very beneficial at the same time (the controversy) 'My career, for example, puts me in the unique position of relying on Instagram as an extension of my livelihood.' benefits of social media relate to businesses, designers, brands etc...However, once again this is also a negative impact as it makes us compare ourselves to others that are more successful than us in these areas- its an on going spiral circle...maybe this could be a main focus? 'the ongoing circle' 'going around in circles'

  • I found this statement from the article 'What is Instagram doing to our self worth?' : 'And when we’re feeling unfulfilled in our real lives, it’s all too easy to turn to the digital version. “Sometimes when I’m bored, I’ll search for something to post because it’s this weird recognition that I swear has a chemical reaction in your brain,” says senior editor Hallie Gould. “When the likes roll in, that’s some serious serotonin shit.”' I thought this point was extremely interesting as it completely relates to my concept and I was also able to see exactly where this person was coming from. I think using social media as a distraction from the 'real life' versions of ourselves can be extremely harmful, as the 'digital' versions of ourselves can be whoever we want it to be.

  • 'It’s a world in which our egos are concretized as photo grids, a world in which we can actually quantify validation by way of likes' 

  • Proven research shows that social media channels can have damaging effects on confidence and identity. Researchers have found a wide array of negative ripple effects including upticks in anxiety and depression as well as loneliness, envy, and even narcissism because of social media, as it is so easy to get indulged into it all and not be able to break free from it. This leads to the fact that a lot of people including myself have the urge to delete their social media platforms, but find that they 'cant' for some reason- whether that is down to not being able to contact people, staying updated with everything, or to maintain their social media profile/ digital versions of themselves.

A list of alternative strategies regarding these issues from one of the articles:

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Choosing a Topic

Studio Brief 2 focuses on investigating graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change. Throughout the brief I must aim to increase my awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st Century issues. The issue can either be something world wide or something local and more personal to us.

The issue that I focus on for this brief must be something that I feel really strongly about, so possibly something that I am already really interested in would be best to focus on as I already have knowledge on it. I am really excited by this brief as it allows me to tackle something that is more personal to me, making it more enjoyable. The end outcome should successfully get a message out there.

Issues that first sparked to mind:

  • Animal testing/using animal fur/skin for luxuries 
  • Making sure pandas don't get back on the endangered list (as Pandas are my favourite animals)- preventing animal endangerment world wide
  • Social media and the effects that it has on relationships with people/ social media and easy it is to check what people are doing 24/7
  • The update syndrome (feeling like you ALWAYS have to be updated with social media)
  • The effects social media has on self love...also how social media influencers promote self love but at the same time they effect our self esteem
  • Self love and how it is becoming harder to do this in todays society

Furthermore, after spending the day thinking over these ideas I found that the concepts that interested me the most were the social media related ideas. Also, since a lot of people my age will be able to relate to this issue, it means I would be able to possibly gather first hand research such as surveys.

Monday, 25 February 2019

OUGD505 Briefing


  • Based on something personal to us, something that actually interests us. Find something that really interests me and especially something that I won't get bored of in 2 weeks
  • Research and development based brief, in response to a personal approach to the brief. Experimentation is still key!
  • Can include 2D,3D and 4D media

SB1: Mapping
  • Research and experiment with ways of mapping and recording of your local area
  • Screen printed- but the final piece doesn't have to be screen printed, but it would be good for it to be screen printed, also because I haven't used the technique much this year yet
  • The map will be displayed at the end of year exhibition- collaboration with the Level 4s, the exhibition will be at Colours May Vary
  • Research- Go on a journey- Map the journey- Outcome
  • Will be required to produce 2 copies of the final map- one for submission and one for the exhibition
  • Doesn't have to be printed on paper
  • Deadline for the 2 copies: 29th March (for the exhibition) but the deadline for the design boards and blogs etc won't be till the 8th of May (actual module deadline)
  • The aim is to map a journey in an interesting and unique way
  • Screen printing room booked out for Graphic Design: 20th, 26th, 27th March 
  • Create a map of...using only...


2 copies of the map
6 minimum design boards
blogs tagged OUGD505 SB1

  • Examine graphic design output relating to social, political and ethical change
  • Research, production and getting a message out there
  • The research work should reflect your own ideologies, concerns and ambitions as a graphic designer
  • A visual and contextual investigation of a specific subject (an issue)
  • Part 1: Research for 2 weeks 
  • Part 2: Response to the research, design work
  • Document all of the research- blog and sketch book
  • Research research research!

Potential deliverables:

-Materials relating to an issue-led campaign
-Poster series/manifesto
-Publication/book/zine/printed matter
-Web/digital platform/video/moving image
-Piece of a real world product
-An installation 

etc...very broad as to what you can produce relating to your specific subject.


6 minimum design boards (may have 2-3 research boards)
Blog posts OUGD505 SB2
Resolutions, products and outcomes appropriate to your subject

Inspiration/examples shown: 
  • Metahaven 
  • In Loving Memory of Work by Craig Oldham
  • 'I wanna be inside EU' campaign
  • HORT
  • A-Z Coast to Coast Shore to Shore
  • GraphicDesign& 'Hope to Nope: Graphics and Politics 2008-18'
  • Low-tech magazinne- Solar-powered website
  • Tom Joyes
  • Neve Ball

Thursday, 14 February 2019

End Of Module Evaluation

Overall, I have enjoyed this module as I felt that I learnt a lot about how to manage my time well and how to prioritise certain elements when approaching briefs. I felt that I was good at managing my time throughout the module and I made sure I was up to date with everything as I went along, instead of leaving certain things to think about later such as blogs and initial ideas etc. I felt that the development processes of each brief were very thorough as well and that all of my research points were effective and relevant. I felt that I was given a good amount of independence which I like, whilst at the same time sticking to a strict concept which was provided within each brief.

I feel that I was enjoyed the first brief a little bit more than the second brief as I was allowed more independence and could tackle the brief that exact way that I wanted. I also found the aim and concept of the first brief more interesting (the Durex brief) as the target audience was 16-24 year olds I felt that everyone my age could actually relate to it which helped me gather more research as well as having knowledge on the topic already. I also really enjoyed using illustration, photography and typography experimentation within the designs.

However, I still enjoyed the second brief as it was fun collaborating with people from creative advertising as at first I didn’t know what the course involved which meant that I learnt a lot. I also got along well with my collaborators which was a relief and I felt that they came up with some great ideas which I represented through the designs I created.

However, I felt that at times the creative advertising collaborators would try to interrupt the design work when this wasn’t their role- one of the creative advertisers was the art director and one was the copy writer, it was my role to actually create all of the designs using the concept and ideas that they come up with. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Final Designs and Photoshoot

Below shows the final designs for the poster, flyer, brick folly, publication adverts and extra stickers. The poster, stickers and flyers were also printed out, which I took some photographs of in order to show how they look physically, I will also submit them alongside design boards on Friday. The stickers were printed on matt white sticker paper, the flyers were printed on thick matt card which relates to packaging and the poster was printed on matt paper.


Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Publication Advert Development

Additionally, during my sign up tutorial I mentioned that I felt that the second publication advert design looked too similar to the first publication advert design as one of the same illustrations is used on both. Dom mentioned that that the second publication advert could be developed to look like the back of a chocolate bar in the same way that the flyer, poster and brick folly show the back of the packaging. I really liked this idea and it also creates even more consistency throughout the overall exhibition branding.

Below shows the developments of the second advert publication using this idea:

Monday, 11 February 2019

Sign Up Tutorial

Today I had a quick tutorial with Dom in which I asked for feedback on areas that I felt needed improving on some of the exhibition designs. I also explained the concept behind the brief.

Notes from tutorial:

  • Incorporate the 'fresh talent' idea into other things possibly, it relates more to the milk!
  • Why did i do food packaging as apposed to other packaging? because the concept is more eye-catching e.g if someone saw a massive milk bottle outside, also more relevant to student life. Also food packaging is more relevant to everyone! whereas if it was like art supply packaging, it may not catch everyones attention as not everyone is an artist for example
  • For stickers i could make 'best before' stickers which use the exhibition dates, this relates to food packaging so they'd work well
  • For the publication advert, maybe change the second single chocolate design and instead the second design could be the back of the chocolate bar...similar to how the flyer and poster shows a front and back of food packaging.


I have also created stickers for the exhibition as a little extra element. Creating something that people can physically wear means that the campaign would gain more publicity and popularity, the stickers are also a fun element in general.

I created 5 different sticker designs for the exhibition. 3 of the sticker designs take their references from the 3 packaging illustrations created for the poster, flyer and publication advert designs, which have been simplified down with some of the typography in larger scale so it is easy to see on a smaller stickers.

Additionally, I also created 2 new sticker designs. The first design takes its references from the milk carton through using a milk splatter shape which says 'fresh talent', simply communicating the idea that the students at LAU have fresh talent, as well as relating to the idea of fresh milk. The other sticker design takes its references from best before stickers that are often used on food packaging, the dates used on these designs are the dates of the foundation show and degree show.

I will get these stickers printed tomorrow along with the poster and flyers.

Fresh Talent sticker developments

Final Fresh Talent sticker design

Final best before sticker designs

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Further Publication Advert Development

I have started to develop the publication advert designs further through considering typography, content and scale more thoroughly.

Furthermore, the brief sheet states 'Publication Adverts. Several adverts for printed publications.' so I want to have two different designs for the publication adverts, the designs that I have developed for the second publication advert also uses the same chocolate bar designs so that the two publication adverts could work together. 

This design focuses more on the front of the chocolate bar in a bigger scale, making the typography and information on the chocolate bar more eye-catching and informative.

Furthermore, the designs below display the ingredients information which communicates the hard work and creativity that the students at our university put into their work- the idea that every student has 'the whole package' through showing all the nutritional values. The poster, brick folly and flyer all use this on their designs so it was important for one of the advert designs to use it too, to create consistency.

I will now continue to develop the two publication adverts designs further through using the elements that work best throughout all of these designs. I will also ask peers on which designs they think work best.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Further Brick Folly Development

Additionally, I have started to develop the designs for the brick folly further towards finals. Since the brick folly uses the same designs and information as the carton on the poster for the front and back, only slight tweaks were needed in order to fit the dimensions of the brick folly accurately.

Furthermore, since the front and back are almost done, the main development needed was for the two sides of the folly. The brick folly outside uni at the moment uses the same designs for both sides, with different designs for the front and back sides, I think this works well as it keeps the folly design slick and doesn't over complicate. I also want to follow this rule, so this meant creating just one design for the two sides to use.

Since the front and back designs of the carton inspired folly are quite experimental and heavily designed, I kept the sides minimal to create contrast and so that the overall design for the folly isn't too busy. The design is purely typography based, displaying the copy write for the exhibition 'We've been providing the best opportunities for our students to bloom since 1846. A generation of new thinking, hard working creatives are ready to showcase their freshly squeezed talent. Proud of every hand crafted mark and carving, its time for them to tell their story'

I created the designs in 4 different colour combinations which and presented it in todays critique to see which colour people preferred.

I also played around with the placement of the information that goes on the back of the folly design:

Final 3 sides:

This is the design that everyone
 liked the most for the sides

Jess also took some pictures of the brick folly outside university so that I could create some mockups of it with my designs on:

Final Critique

Today I had a final critique for responsive, my critique was with Helena and 3 of my peers. Dom mentioned to show the designs that we felt we wanted most advice on, since I have pretty much finished Studio brief 1, I decided to show the designs that I have created for Studio brief 2 (the end of year exhibition). During the critique I briefly explained the concept behind the exhibition and how the branding reflects on it.

The work that I presented (printed as A3 sheets for the critique):

I didn't really get much feedback on how to improve as my peers mentioned that everything was already working well and that the branding had a consistent theme, and that i'd gotten quite a lot done considering considering the time I've had for this brief. Everyone also seemed to like how the concept was reflected through clever imagery and language using the idea of food packaging. Another comment mentioned that for the flyers I could use thick paper stock which relates to packaging- however thicker paper is quite difficult to print double sided as it often jams the printer and digital print only offers a small selection of papers for double sided printing.

I asked which colour everyone preferred for the sides of the folly- everyone agreed that the bright pink with the white text worked best as it matches the uni logo. I also asked how I could develop the publication advert designs, Helena mentioned that I could make the logo more obvious somewhere and play around with type more.