Thursday, 14 February 2019

End Of Module Evaluation

Overall, I have enjoyed this module as I felt that I learnt a lot about how to manage my time well and how to prioritise certain elements when approaching briefs. I felt that I was good at managing my time throughout the module and I made sure I was up to date with everything as I went along, instead of leaving certain things to think about later such as blogs and initial ideas etc. I felt that the development processes of each brief were very thorough as well and that all of my research points were effective and relevant. I felt that I was given a good amount of independence which I like, whilst at the same time sticking to a strict concept which was provided within each brief.

I feel that I was enjoyed the first brief a little bit more than the second brief as I was allowed more independence and could tackle the brief that exact way that I wanted. I also found the aim and concept of the first brief more interesting (the Durex brief) as the target audience was 16-24 year olds I felt that everyone my age could actually relate to it which helped me gather more research as well as having knowledge on the topic already. I also really enjoyed using illustration, photography and typography experimentation within the designs.

However, I still enjoyed the second brief as it was fun collaborating with people from creative advertising as at first I didn’t know what the course involved which meant that I learnt a lot. I also got along well with my collaborators which was a relief and I felt that they came up with some great ideas which I represented through the designs I created.

However, I felt that at times the creative advertising collaborators would try to interrupt the design work when this wasn’t their role- one of the creative advertisers was the art director and one was the copy writer, it was my role to actually create all of the designs using the concept and ideas that they come up with. 

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