Saturday, 9 February 2019

Further Publication Advert Development

I have started to develop the publication advert designs further through considering typography, content and scale more thoroughly.

Furthermore, the brief sheet states 'Publication Adverts. Several adverts for printed publications.' so I want to have two different designs for the publication adverts, the designs that I have developed for the second publication advert also uses the same chocolate bar designs so that the two publication adverts could work together. 

This design focuses more on the front of the chocolate bar in a bigger scale, making the typography and information on the chocolate bar more eye-catching and informative.

Furthermore, the designs below display the ingredients information which communicates the hard work and creativity that the students at our university put into their work- the idea that every student has 'the whole package' through showing all the nutritional values. The poster, brick folly and flyer all use this on their designs so it was important for one of the advert designs to use it too, to create consistency.

I will now continue to develop the two publication adverts designs further through using the elements that work best throughout all of these designs. I will also ask peers on which designs they think work best.

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