Friday, 8 February 2019

Further Brick Folly Development

Additionally, I have started to develop the designs for the brick folly further towards finals. Since the brick folly uses the same designs and information as the carton on the poster for the front and back, only slight tweaks were needed in order to fit the dimensions of the brick folly accurately.

Furthermore, since the front and back are almost done, the main development needed was for the two sides of the folly. The brick folly outside uni at the moment uses the same designs for both sides, with different designs for the front and back sides, I think this works well as it keeps the folly design slick and doesn't over complicate. I also want to follow this rule, so this meant creating just one design for the two sides to use.

Since the front and back designs of the carton inspired folly are quite experimental and heavily designed, I kept the sides minimal to create contrast and so that the overall design for the folly isn't too busy. The design is purely typography based, displaying the copy write for the exhibition 'We've been providing the best opportunities for our students to bloom since 1846. A generation of new thinking, hard working creatives are ready to showcase their freshly squeezed talent. Proud of every hand crafted mark and carving, its time for them to tell their story'

I created the designs in 4 different colour combinations which and presented it in todays critique to see which colour people preferred.

I also played around with the placement of the information that goes on the back of the folly design:

Final 3 sides:

This is the design that everyone
 liked the most for the sides

Jess also took some pictures of the brick folly outside university so that I could create some mockups of it with my designs on:

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