Sunday, 3 February 2019

Initial Idea Further Sketches

As a group we have started to come up with more ideas on how we could develop the concept of every piece of art telling a story- relating to how much time, research, and the overall development process that goes into creating work at our university (the whole story). We have taken forward the idea of telling a story and brain stormed/sketched some ideas on how we could develop this further in more depth through the designs of the exhibition.

We started by making a list of things that need to be communicated throughout the design and concept:

  • More than just art (more than what meets the eye, look closer)
  • The craft that goes into everything
  • Our story/students
  • Everything has/tells a story
  • Audience: creative professionals...why are they going to come to our show? because they're looking for potential in soon-to-be graduates and to see the different points of view of how we tackle creativity at our university
  • Could bring famous artists stories that went to our uni to light/uni alumni (Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth etc)
  • Mention how well our uni supports and prepares us all for a career in the creative industry
  • Everyones story/creativity is different, even though we are all part of the same uni
Initial ideas on how all these ideas and the concept could be communicated through the design:

Initial idea 1: making the designs look like they are recipes/ingredients like food packaging, but focusing on the ingredients that go into creating a piece of art work. E.g: creativity 45%, confidence 85%, imagination 100%, academic skills 72%

Initial idea 2: focusing on childhood and how our grandparents often keep artwork from when we were really young, the journey from that art work to the art work that we create now

Initial idea 3: Links with how music tells a story in the same way art does- linking the two creative sides together, also links to how we have music courses at our uni now too. Could be communicated through painted vinyls and CDs perhaps?

Initial idea 4: TV/news tells stories. The designs could be created as if they were on a TV screen or as world news, with Leeds Arts University as the TV channel, play around with clever imagery.

Initial idea 5: Similar to initial idea 4 as it also focuses on a social media/internet type of approach, play around with clever imagery and incorporate it into the concept. This idea focuses on how dating profiles tell stories, could be a dating profile for each course/a student from each course in order to show the diversity at our University and how each course is different creatively.

Initial idea 6: This idea also focuses on the idea of communicating the diversity of all the different courses and creative students at our university. Showing a different piece of imagery/illustration to represent each course. This idea also focuses on the use of typography to communicate this message

The initial ideas that we have come up with for the concept are all really interesting, all we need to do now is decide which one will work best design wise so I can start actually creating the designs in more depth and detail now. I can now gather more research on how some of these ideas could look digitally and start to create some initial designs.

The ideas that I find most interesting at the moment are initial ideas number 1,3 and 5.

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