Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Initial Ideas Development

I have now started to develop the initial ideas that me and my group found most interesting; initial ideas 1 and 5. It is important that I put all of my focus into creating designs for the exhibition this week as the deadline is next week and I would also like to get some of the elements such as the flyers and publication adverts digitally printed next week.

Initial idea 5: Focuses on a social media type of approach, which is appropriate to students. Focusing on playing around with clever imagery that dating profiles such as Tinder use and incorporate it into the exhibition concept. This idea focuses on how dating profiles tell stories, could be a dating profile for each course/a student from each course in order to show the diversity at our University and how each course is different creatively.

I found that this idea didn't look that interesting, and I feel that dating profiles mainly just have the one main profile page, which wouldn't be enough to be applied on all of the design elements for the exhibition as it would become too repetitive.

Initial idea 1: Make the designs look like they are recipes/ingredients like food packaging labels, but focusing on the ingredients that go into creating a piece of art work. E.g: creativity 45%, confidence 85%, imagination 100%, academic skills 72%. 

This is more relevant to the concept of our brief; every piece of art telling a story, the ingredients communicate each creative element and hard work that goes into creating one piece of art work. I also spoke to some of my peers about the initial ideas that we came up with, and the majority of them also found this idea the most fun and interesting.

I did some initial research on how typical food labels look, in terms of how all of the information is laid out and which parts need more emphasis on them.

I have started to develop designs that could be used for the flyer and possibly the publication adverts as well. I think these flyer designs work really well in terms of communicating the concept through food packaging/food labels, especially the designs for the back/labels (first images). The typeface used is Helvetica as this is the typeface that is most popular for food packaging, it is also simple and legible which is appropriate for the labels as their main aim is to provide key information.

The covers/front side take their references from crisp packets, however they need more developing as they don't look a lot like food packaging at the moment, I will need to research more into interesting food packaging. Also, I prefer the design that uses a white background with black test, it is minimal and effective and looks more like a typical food label than the other design.

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