Monday 11 February 2019


I have also created stickers for the exhibition as a little extra element. Creating something that people can physically wear means that the campaign would gain more publicity and popularity, the stickers are also a fun element in general.

I created 5 different sticker designs for the exhibition. 3 of the sticker designs take their references from the 3 packaging illustrations created for the poster, flyer and publication advert designs, which have been simplified down with some of the typography in larger scale so it is easy to see on a smaller stickers.

Additionally, I also created 2 new sticker designs. The first design takes its references from the milk carton through using a milk splatter shape which says 'fresh talent', simply communicating the idea that the students at LAU have fresh talent, as well as relating to the idea of fresh milk. The other sticker design takes its references from best before stickers that are often used on food packaging, the dates used on these designs are the dates of the foundation show and degree show.

I will get these stickers printed tomorrow along with the poster and flyers.

Fresh Talent sticker developments

Final Fresh Talent sticker design

Final best before sticker designs

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