Monday 11 February 2019

Sign Up Tutorial

Today I had a quick tutorial with Dom in which I asked for feedback on areas that I felt needed improving on some of the exhibition designs. I also explained the concept behind the brief.

Notes from tutorial:

  • Incorporate the 'fresh talent' idea into other things possibly, it relates more to the milk!
  • Why did i do food packaging as apposed to other packaging? because the concept is more eye-catching e.g if someone saw a massive milk bottle outside, also more relevant to student life. Also food packaging is more relevant to everyone! whereas if it was like art supply packaging, it may not catch everyones attention as not everyone is an artist for example
  • For stickers i could make 'best before' stickers which use the exhibition dates, this relates to food packaging so they'd work well
  • For the publication advert, maybe change the second single chocolate design and instead the second design could be the back of the chocolate bar...similar to how the flyer and poster shows a front and back of food packaging.

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