Friday 15 March 2019

Chat with Helena

Today I had a quick chat with Helena in which I explained my 'issue' and the ways in which I want to approach it and communicate my message. When chatting with Helena, we came up with some interesting points and ways in which I could experiment further:

  • Do some social experiments as research: Don't use my phone or social media for a day and then document how I felt through this (the urges to go on my phone, how many times I pick up my phone etc)
  • Social experiment involving a group of me and my friends: Could go to the pub and have a phone ban- record how people react to the idea, how everyone feels through the night, how many times people go to use their phones, when people give in etc...
  • Design for screen would be appropriate as this is most appropriate to social media and would get the most exposure
  • Use old school production methods to create contrast: e.g newspapers, flags, screen print, letterpress, letraset- this would be really interesting and fun to do!
  • Links to the point above- could focus on the production methods that were used to communicate design before social media was a thing...research into these

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