Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Idea Development

I have now started to develop some visual work for the initial idea research that I gathered. The idea focused on how many times I saw someone wearing the colour pink whilst walking through town.  I recorded the amount of times I saw someone wearing the colour pink whilst I walked from uni to Dry Dock for lunch. I saw the colour pink worn 28 times within the space of 10 minutes.

When first developing this, I gathered some research on the colour pink through purely focusing on Pantone shades. I looked into the most popular pinks and the colour of the year pink from 2016 (Rose Quartz). One of the shades I loved was Pantone 'Honeysuckle' 18-2120, I also think 'Rose Quartz' is a beautiful colour.

However, these two colours are quite opposite on the pink spectrum so I think maybe a midway pink colour would be better to use if I were to use one main colour. I started to gather more research on pink shades that were more midway, below shows 4 of the pink shades that I really enjoyed.

Colour Theory for Pink: 

'Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness. ... The color red represents heat and passion, while the color pink represents romance and charm.'

What does the colour pink mean spiritually?:

'The color pink represents caring, compassion and love. The pink color stands for unconditional love and understanding, and is associated with giving and receiving care. ... In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color that inspires warm and comforting feelings.'

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