Saturday, 23 March 2019

Village/Publication Research

Today I took a trip down to Village books in order to gather some more research and inspiration for how I could communicate my 'issue' through the designs that I create. 

I felt that this research helped me gain a clearer understanding of ways I could approach my designs as before I was quite stuck, but I did have initial ideas the sort of things I would like to create. 

The first bit of research that I gathered focuses on bold and vibrant aesthetics/details- particularly through the specific imagery, colours and typography used. I want my designs and aesthetic to be relevant to the audience which will also influence production method- bold and vibrant whilst remaining minimal and clean. The message I am communicating is quite serious and very current, I feel that a bold, eye-catching and serious tone is most appropriate. My audience is mainly 18-24 year olds so a young, bold aesthetic is relevant.

Below shows books that I found really interesting and fun which use bold and vibrant imagery and typography. I found the typography in images 1,2 and 5 really eye-catching and unique, particularly because of the interesting manipulation of the letters and the colours used. I particularly loved the typography in image 5 as it is quite odd but in an exciting way, the bright colour scheme in image 2 also works really well. Image 3 and 4 also use bold colour schemes and typography but in a more minimal way, which gives a more serious tone.

Furthermore, I found this book 'Pics Or It Didn't Happen' really interesting and relevant to the issue I am focusing on as it relates to social media. The book features photographs that have been banned from Instagram, this generously illustrated book explores modern censorship. Instagram's user guidelines prohibit posting "violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic, or sexually suggestive photos." people felt that because of this they couldn't express themselves through social media. 

The book uses interesting imagery using details from Instagrams layout and other social media platforms, this is also something that I could consider throughout my designs. I also think the overall soft pink aesthetic works really well with the concept of this book. 

'Pushing the boundaries of social media guidelines and social mores, this book reveals a fascinating picture of 21st century society's complex views on the image of the human body and censorship.'

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