Friday 1 March 2019

Research Methods

Ways in which I should research:

  • Reading- books, internet, history, theory, examples
  • Audience- needs, feedback, interviews
  • Observation- films, documentaries relating to the topic in some way
  • Example of contemporary graphic design (doesn't have to relate to the subject matter)
  • Primary research- new research, finding out specific things
  • Secondary research- research that has already been done which I am analysing
  • Discussion
  • Listen- podcasts, peoples conversations
  • Watch- links to observational research
  • Visit- go to places!!! good first hand research

-What do I need to find out?
-What don't I know?
-What does it mean?
-What do I know?
-What does it mean?

  • Write about everything that I do and everything that I find out
  • Pay attention
  • Observation
  • Leave the studio

Seek answers and ask the questions!
-Audience, interview?
-The client

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