The grey colours relate back to the colours of the roads when I was on the journey, originally I liked the dark grey colour the most. However. I knew that this one would be hardest to see the printed colours on. When printing, the colour that looked the best out of the 3 was the light grey paper.
When screen printing today, I was faced with quite a lot of issues. At first the colours kept bleeding through onto the page- Mike said this was because there wasn't enough ink on the screen, but when I put more ink on the screen this issue still occurred. This issue occurred with both layers of colour which was quite annoying, but I did manage to get some prints that were better than others.
Additionally, I am not completely happy with how the prints turned out because of this issue but I did manage to get two decent prints.
I am still going to stick with my original plan to digitally print the other version of my map that uses the 28 shades of pink squares, as the screen prints aren't as successful as I wanted and the digitally printed design looks more interesting in general- the digitally printed version will also come with stickers which makes it a lot more fun.
I will hand in both versions (screen printed and digitally printed) on Friday and let the tutors decide which one they will use in the exhibition or I will either just had in one of the digital versions. For my final hand in I will use the digitally printed version with the stickers.
Most decent two screen prints (on light grey paper):
Failed versions and tests:
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