Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Idea Development Part 2

After gathering research on Pantone pink shades, out of the 4 shades that I researched further into and enjoyed the most I decided to use Pantone 236 C. I thought this shade was most interesting and different out of the others. I decided to take the original journey route line from my iPhone and changed the details of it to this colour.

I also developed some quick typography based visuals in which I listed all of the different pink items that I saw on my journey (with the numbers), each in a different pink shade. These visuals look quite poster based rather than a map, so if I were to develop them further I could look into ways of incorporating the route/lines into the typography/list.

However, I don't think the typography based visuals are that interesting, although they were only quick more experimenting with typography to represent the different pink items I saw could be something to develop and research further into.

I decided to take forward the idea of Pantone and represent my 'pink journey' through it. I represented the map/journey as if it were a Pantone colour card. I used the same grid system that Pantone uses and changed the content to relate to my journey instead, I also showed the route on the design, as well as the numbers of each pink item that I saw:

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