Thursday 19 April 2018

Bitmap/Threshold Designs Feedback

This afternoon we had a silent critique in which we presented our flag designs that we have created today. I found this critique extremely useful as I can now begin to develop the best few designs out of the 6 to possibly use as a final flag design. I was really happy with all the feedback that I received as it was mainly positive, the areas to improve on mainly suggested more experiments to try out when developing my designs.

I agreed with almost all of the feedback that I received as people mainly mentioned which designs they liked the most and what works well throughout the designs. There is another critique on Monday where I will display these designs again after slightly tweaking them.

Positive feedback;

  • Tonally, number 1 is the best; nice sense of scale and bitmaps work well. Good overlay
  • 4th flag is favourite as it shows the fusion of genres well
  • The use of colour is really nice
  • The range of experiments really stand out and work really well visually
  • The first one is favourite , possibly use this one as a final screen print
  • The second design is good
  • The busyness of the images is a great contrast
  • Good colour schemes, gives sense of genre
  • First image is the favourite because of the composition and colours, great use of bitmap throughout
  • Really likes the composition within the first and fourth designs
  • The variety within the layers and textures is really effective

Areas to experiment/improve;

  • Number 2 should be brighter and more cropped; I agree, brighter colours would display the genre better they're more relevant to disco and jazz
  • 3 is maybe too obscure; I agree, its my least favourite design
  • Try extreme cropping the over layed bitmap textures on the 5th poster; I think the minimalism in design 5 works best at the moment, but I will try this
  • Limit to 3/4 colours; This is a good idea as the designs with a more limited colour palette work best
Peoples favourite designs:

Design 1

Design 4

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