Thursday 11 October 2018

Content, Concept, Form Lecture

Today we had a lecture from Dom where she spoke to us about considerations for content, concept and form for our publications, as well as artists to research. This was really helpful, especially the artists that were suggested as their work really broke the boundaries of how a book can look.

Notes from lecture:

  • Every book starts with an idea- Notes for designers
  • So many books exist- my aim as a designer is to make mine stand out against the rest (this would be language books in my case)
  • All books starts with a question...what will my question be? Solve something
  • Re-think what a book can be- the form and how information can be organised
  • The content is a source of inspiration in itself
  • Understand what the book is about
  • What do I want to communicate?
  • Finding the right balance between the design and what actually goes inside is important- don't over design, communicate!
  • Dream about the books I would like to design. Be AMBITIOUS
  • Research and understand the theme of the book
  • Think of things that haven't been done before
  • Go all out with my production ideas
  • Test ideas next week! Find out the restrictions and what works, what needs refining etc
  • Read, watch, visit!


  • Irma Boom- the queen of books. Her Chanel book consisted of no ink whatsoever, delicate nature; production meets concept.
  • Visual Editions: Tree of codes
  • Kapow: how can you make someone feel a certain way through a book? confused, excited, anxious etc...
  • Gordon Matta-Clark: Phaidon, interesting books don't have to be art books
  • Trapped in Suburbia- they design books unlike any others (room to play book always you to physically play with it!)
Irma Boom book using no ink

Kapow: this book makes the reader feel confused

Room to play book

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