Monday 8 October 2018

Studio Brief 1 Briefing

  • Worth 30 credits
  • Deadline is 07/12/2019
  • SB1; Design for print- 8th October till 9th November
  • SB2; Design for screen- 12th November till 9th December

SB1- Design for print

Publication based on summer task- it doesn't have to be based on type...the concept and context is up to you. Think about celebration, issue, new audience and history.


  • Aim to make informed decisions about the practical development and production of your ideas. RESEARCH
  • Develop appropriate strategies for the investigation 
  • Professional resolutions   

  • Research
  • Content
  • Concept
  • Experimentation
  • Type
  • Layout
  • Stock
  • Colour/colour palette
  • Mock ups; TEST!
  • Finishes

1. Studio practice blog labelled OUGD504 SB1
2. 6 Design Boards in A3 colour
3. Finished outcomes- finished publication
4. Written summative evaluation (500 words)

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