Tuesday, 9 October 2018

New theme Ideas

Today I had a short chat/crit with Orlando where I discussed possible themes that I could base my publication on- I mentioned that I was sightly struggling with them all as none of my ideas felt strong and structured enough.

Orlando mentioned that it would be difficult to purely base my publication on a theme associated with Barcelona as obviously I cant easily access it and gather physical/more research except from online. I agreed with this 100% which was why I was slightly struggling with the ideas I previously came up with.

We decided that I could take the theme of hecticness/business of Barcelona and apply it to something else such as the business of being in a city, everyday life as a student, the craziness vs peacefulness of life etc. I think this idea would work well as I feel everyone can relate to it in some way and I would also be able to gather a lot more research. I would most probably link the themes of being in a big city and being a student at the same time as I can also relate to it myself.

Another interesting idea that I come up with has sprung off from Idea 2 (previous blog)- the concept/theme of language...link it to myself as I speak another language (Urdu) and I would really enjoy basing my brief off this as it is personal to myself and I would be able to present it successfully. Could base it purely on the language Urdu or about being bilingual...English vs Urdu; the differences between the pronouns and general everyday phrases.

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