Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Final Cover Embossing

As my peers in Fridays critique all agreed that a soft back cover looked best and works best for travellers, I have started to emboss my final cover designs. One critique comment mentioned that the cover could still use red stock since I am creating my book in the version that uses white paper instead of red (for the inside pages).

I used a thicker paper stock in red for the cover, I felt that a thicker paper stock for the cover was more appropriate in order to aesthetically separate it from the pages inside, as well as being more durable. The paper stock that I used was Colorplan, Vermillon in 270gsm.

I am happy with how these have turned out, I might still try and emboss into buckram for a hardback cover version just so I can compare the two before making a final decision on whether to stick with the soft back cover. However, I do think that the soft back cover looks effective and relates to my concept more.

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